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Eğer herhangi bir şirket / tüzel kişilik adına kurumsal bağış yapıyorsanız, (ve kurumun sahibi / resmi temsilcisi iseniz) kurum adını girebilirsiniz. Okullar, sınıflar, kamu kurumu çalışanları vb. gruplar adına yapılan işlemlerde grup bağışı seçeneğini kullanabilirsiniz.
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Donation Amount | $ |
Charged Amount | ₺ (1 $ = 36,3494 ₺) |
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Shared-Water Wells in Niger
Thanks shared-water wells we drill in Niger, where suffering from insufficient infrastructure systems, impossibilities and drought in addition to difficulty in finding fresh water, we offer clean drinkable water to the country, which is one of the driest regions in the world.
Region: Niger
Water Well Name: 01
Number of Shareholder: 20
Water Well Cost: 20000€
Share Cost: €100
-The construction of well will start after all shares are completed.
-The construction period will be completed within 3 months at the lasted
-The water well will be given a general name.
-Donor names will be on the banner at the groundbreaking and opening of the well.
- Photos of all water well's stages will be shared with the donors.
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