Bağışçı Bilgileri | |
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Title of the Organization |
Eğer herhangi bir şirket / tüzel kişilik adına kurumsal bağış yapıyorsanız, (ve kurumun sahibi / resmi temsilcisi iseniz) kurum adını girebilirsiniz. Okullar, sınıflar, kamu kurumu çalışanları vb. gruplar adına yapılan işlemlerde grup bağışı seçeneğini kullanabilirsiniz.
Name and Surname | |
e-Mail Address | |
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Donation Amount | $ |
Charged Amount | ₺ (1 $ = 36,2899 ₺) |
Activity | |
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Sponsorship Record | |
Hangi sponsorluk kaydına ödeme yaptığınızı belirtmek için oturum açınız. | |
Our Activity:
We conduct our orphan program in war zones, refugee camps and the regions where the effect of war continues. We primarily address the health and food needs of orphans in the unsafe environment of the war. We secure our orphans with financial and moral support by ensuring that their families survive, or they are transported to the safe environments we provide.
We protect orphan children in temporary shelters against all kinds of abuse in natural disaster areas and areas where they are needed. We meet the needs of the children until their survivors are found, and even if there are no survivors, we prepare orphanages and permanent shelters considering the demands of the local conditions and the regional structure.
How you could help?
You can look after an orphan by donating 150 TL per month. Also, you can donate 5 TL by sending an SMS to 2989 and you can support the construction of orphan projects by donating to the Orphan Support Project Fund.
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